Thursday, June 12, 2014

Count Conversion Concept

Find the count of a fibre of 15Tex  in Ne.
Ans:  We know that…..It is can be calculated as

But why we use 590.5, a constant value, in this equation?
Here is the explanation of this relation.

If we take this 15 Tex as sample then it will help to understand the main concept.

We know,

If we take these values as sample length and sample weight

Sample weight = 15 X 1 X 1/453.6gm
Sample length = 1X 1000X 1.0936 yd
Then we obtain,

So ultimately the First equation we obtained. 

Thus we can convert every count to any count.
  • Just change the unit you have
  • Then take the values as sample weight and sample length.
  • And then substituted the sample weight and sample length to the required count system.
  • And convert the count to Direct from Indirect, to direct to direct, to Indirect to Direct, to Indirect to Indirect. 

Muhammad Sazzad Hussain
B.Sc. in Textile Engineering
Daffodil International University
Email :
Phone Number : 01684380984

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